Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ." - 1 Corinthians 12:12 NIV
Are you ready to make HumeRidge “your church”? If so we want to hear your story, answer any questions you have and help you find a place to fit within our HumeRidge family, so we invite you to attend our next Welcome Morning Tea!
We hold a Welcome Morning Tea once each term after a Sunday service. They are a time for you to come along and hear a little about the history of our church, what we believe and the areas of ministry we are involved in. It will also be a place where you can chat to our pastors and elders and ask any questions you may have, as well as enquire about different areas in the life of the church that you might be interested in getting involved in.
Benefits of Membership
- Membership formalises your sense of belonging. It makes a statement that you are committed to this fellowship.
- Membership emphasises the opportunity to minister to others and puts you in a place where you are ministered to.
- Membership provides protection and security through the prayer, pastoral and practical support of the whole church.
- Membership encourages growth in our walk with Christ, as with fellow believers we sharpen and stretch each other.
- Membership promotes active participation in the mission and direction God calls the church to.
- Membership connects us to a diverse community of faith – the body – different ages, stages of faith, backgrounds, cultures, experiences, to receive and reflect God’s love and value of every person.
Membership Requirements
- Membership is comprised of those who align with, and who are committed to, the life and ministry of this church.
- The church membership consists of believers who have confessed their faith in Christ (see Romans 10:9-10) and repented of their sin (see Acts 3:19). We also highly encouarage members be baptised into Christ (see Matthew 28:19).
- Anyone seeking to become a member is first required to attend a membership information session.
- A Membership application form will be offered to prospective members by an Elder or Ministry Team Member at this information session.
- Membership applications will be approved by the Board.
Want to know more?
Below you will find a copy of our Membership Guide as well as information about our upcoming Welcome Morning Tea. If there is no event listed please get in contact us via the form below so we can let you know when the next one is on!